The Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports of Ukraine appealed with a request to amend the said Law as regards inclusion of public associations in the field of physical culture and sports to the list of public associations that are granted public property lease without tender.

The Committee members stated that, pursuant to Article 76 of the Law "in Year 2008 public and municipal property lease will be granted exclusively by tender, except of public and municipal property, leased to government-financed organizations, museums, enterprises and public associations in the field of culture and arts (including national creative unions and their members for the creative workshops), the Pension Fund of Ukraine and its bodies, public publishing houses and book trade enterprises".

The People´s Deputies believe that the said regulation creates equal conditions of public and municipal property lease for non-profit public physical-sports organizations that do not conduct commercial activity.

Therefore, the Committee passed a resolution to appeal to the Committee on Budget with a motion to amend Article 76 of the Law "On the State Budget of Ukraine for Year 2008 and Amendments to several Legislative Acts of Ukraine" and include public associations in the field of physical culture and sports to the list of public associations that are granted public property lease without tender.


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